2023 Coordinated Election
November 7, 2023
Official Results
Last Updated:
12/6/2023 4:50 PM

Election Summary
* Total Registration (Active + Inactive voters) 249,906 Mail Ballots 117,613
* Active Registered Voters 228,121 In-person Ballots 2,014
Property Owner Only Ballots Distributed 171 Property Owner Ballots 145
Total Ballots Counted: 119,772
* Voter Registration Figures as of 7 p.m. Nov 7
12/6 Update:
Required recount for City of Boulder City Council: the Canvass Board met on 12/6 to certify the results of the recount. The results below show updated totals.
See our Ballot Processing page for more information.
Results - State Measures
Proposition HH (Statutory)
Candidate VotesPercent

Proposition II (Statutory)
Candidate VotesPercent